Of course, we set our goal at $3,000 but perhaps we were being too ambitious and a tad ignorant of the current economic realities. Still, it's nearly $500 more than last year and enough money to fix eight whole kids FOREVER. I'm so jazzed!
I could not have done it without the help of my steady-eddy improv boyfriend, Steve, and his actual boyfriend, Daniel. They did all the really hard work while I excelled at fretting. Also, bringing together 15 performers within three improv groups made it feel like half-party/half-asylum but entirely hilarious. Please see sampling below:

One of the founders and current president of Smile Train, Brian Mullaney, recalled in an email remembering Walter:
"As I sat there speaking with him I looked around his office and saw photos, newspaper front pages and headlines of many of the biggest events that have happened in America and the world over the past 50 years. Walter was front and center at each and every one of them: JFK’s assassination, man on the moon, Vietnam, Watergate, The Berlin Wall, etc. I felt like I was in a museum and sitting across the desk from an American Institution."
In addition to the donation and helping the kids, I'm especially pleased that we unknowingly honored Mr. Cronkite as he was leaving us. He was an amazing friend to humanity and he'll be sorely missed.
Walter's passing had a much more profound effect on me than the passing of Michael Jackson. I remember so well how his broadcasts shaped my childhood and early adulthood. I will miss him.
Walter represents a time when we trusted journalists to tell us the truth. Not so easily accomplished these days.
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