So the troubles of my homeland will find me no matter where I go.

(Wally Skalij/LA Times)
The "angry" fires have now burned more than 105,000 acres with no end in sight. Already two firefighters have died, 53 homes are gone and over 7,000 people have been evacuated. The fires threaten Mt. Wilson, which contains the great majority of cell phone towers, radio and television towers for the LA area. If these fires aren't contained soon, communications in the area could be wiped out ... which means I'll be following the action on Twitter, just in case.
My childhood friends and I don't recall raging fires being an annual summer event like they are now. It's getting to be where the destruction is more reliable than hurricane season in the South. What is going on?

I could even see the mountain sides burning from my mother's 7th floor hospital window in Long Beach. Thankfully, she passed her angiogram with flying colors - no blockage anywhere. She also gobbled her dinner down like a hungry baby bird - poor gal hadn't eaten anything in 25 hours thanks to all the testing going on.
Tomorrow, we'll hear from the doctor about next steps. I'm hoping the view from her window gets less exciting as the days go on.
1. I'm so glad your mom is doing so well!
2. I am so sorry about the fires. I'm sure you've heard, but we have overcast/hazy skies from the fires here (Denver).
3. Thank GOD you linked your pictures. I was going to have to type a really long angry comment and misspell some stuff.
4. Love you.
Your #3 cracked me up and I needed that.
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