Beyond the interest on my 401K, the passage have time has brought forth another great perk: My friends have gotten together and spawned a whole new generation of people that I REALLY dig. For years, my friends' kids have often been just cute short people whose faces I saw in Christmas card photographs. Lately, however, I've been getting to know them as people and they are a friggin' blast. They are also LOUD but hey - that's what happens when you're fairly new to Earth and have a lot to say.
The kids pictured above are a perfect example. (This photograph was taken around 1:30 a.m. on Saturday night, mere minutes before we went and toiletpapered somebody's house.) I have been pals with their moms since high school - together we have endured love, loss, run-ins with the law and lots of sisterly support.
Meanwhile, Tanner is already a rugged individual. He'll be one of those guys that either flies his own bush plane over the Alaskan wilderness, runs his own surf shop in Mexico or quietly becomes a powerful business tycoon. Whatever he does, he'll be independently content cuz that's his vibe.
Sam is 14 and like her mother, doesn't mind telling you off in one breath and then laughing at herself in the next - a very lovable combination. Also like her mother, she is fierce, stunning and fearsome on the volleyball court. Both she and Hannah are the peak of their "OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!" take on the world which is hilarious when I realize that I used to be exactly like them. It's hard knowing all there is to know at 14 - it all goes down from there.
When I first met Aaron, he was just two years old and very short. Now he is 22 and much taller. He is the "Mr. Son" of my dear friend, Heidi, whose birthday we celebrated this weekend. Because he is Heidi's son, he was raised without television and tons of real-life adventures which may or may not have anything to do with the fact that he is one of the kindest, gentlest deep thinkers I know. Aaron just graduated from UCLA with a degree in history, minoring in Art History. He is very zen and quite accustomed to bending down to hug people like me, who adore him.
She has a great brother too, named Devin (see below) - I used to call him "The Little Prince" but he needs an updated name that pinpoints his inherent studly coolness. I fully expect to see Devin on the cover of a Wheaties box someday, winning the World Cup for the U.S. I didn't actually see either of these kids this weekend but I came across these photos while penning this post and thought I'd throw 'em in the mix because I consider them friends as well, even if they don't know it yet. (Also, Gumdrop has a brilliant business plan - I'm hoping she loops me in at some point as an investor... it pays to remind her how far back we go. Business politics and all that - wink!)
To all my friends: Thanks! Now, go make more!
What a beautiful tribute!
This reminds me of an African-American med technician whom I see every day, as she administers the treatment I am receiving. Teleah is always telling me "auntie" stories, how she, at 38, commands attention and respect within her family as Auntie, even though she is only a few years older than some of her nieces and nephews. I feel that you, Heather, should adopt this auntie tradition. It's such a loving and fun job, at least that's how Teleah makes it seem.
Great idea, Heidi!
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