The photo above was snagged from Bjork's website, taken during a concert under the Bay Bridge several years ago. I'm in this photo represented as a tiny black dot somewhere near the back. My friend, James, and I watched Iceland's greatest gift to the arts sing her heart out while boats, ships and barges floated on the bay behind her. A giant full moon generously lit up the night sky and the concert was followed by gorgeous fireworks It was a truly magical scene and one of my favorite SF memories.
Life is often like that in the Bay Area. Sure, it's expensive and the traffic is unbearable at times but there are frequent episodes of unspeakable beauty, like that evening, that make it all worth it.
Yes there are.
I love this city. Always have. Always will.
Please say hello to the fog for me.
but no snow...
Yes, you're right, Maria. There is no snow here and I am missing it. I've grown fond of the Seasons.
I know exactly what you mean.
I am afraid to go back b/c I will never want to leave.
I would like to propose an alternative viewpoint, to wit; San Francisco, my ass.
Thank you for your attention.
(I've thought better including my unhelpful, hurtful Bjork joke. After all, I am a fan of Rush - the Canadian power trio, not the American talk-radio gasbag - so my musical house is mostly made of glass and my tastes therefore quite susceptible to reasonable repudiation.)
San Francisco, Fang's ass: For the love of God ne'er the twain shall meet.
P.S. I deleted my previous comment strictly for syntactical reasons.
Fang: You are just pissed because of all the elitist snobbery that goes on there which is, um ... a good reason, if you're Fang.
Dowdy: I KNOW you know what I am feeling on this topic. You got there before I did ...
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