Still, I'm making some notable strides lately, worth documenting:
1. A couple of weeks ago, I showed up for my regular weekend horse lesson, and Beanie (my all-knowing teacher) announced: "Today's lesson is ... you ride alone. Bye!" And she took off. So, I've been doing just that. Grooming, tacking, riding and avoiding death all by my lonesome. Then, I found out this week that the two horses I ride regularly (Bob aka 'Mister Dude' & Ben, pictured above) have been moved to a faraway barn and I'll likely never see them again. Just as I peaked, I am left horseless, holding a full bag of carrots. Sigh.
2. As previously mentioned, the improv has been a rollicking good time. I feel like 2009 will bring more expansion and silliness. I need to get better about encouraging my friends to come to the shows. Not a time to be shy.
3. Lo and behold, I still run! Every other day or so, I manage to jog the circumference of Washington Park before breakfast. I sure won't win any races (alas, speed walkers still pass me) but I'm starting to get a groove here. I even shock myself by showing up in the bitter cold. I nearly froze my face off the other morning but scored big points with myself for not wimping out. And you know what? It is unspeakably beautiful at that time of day - the squirrels are extra cute.
4. I'm getting used to singing and playing guitar in front of innocent people. Usually, it goes just fine and no one dies. This only encourages me to do it again. And again. I've started a new weekly habit with my musical-genius friend, Camille, where I provide feedback on her latest brilliant composition and she sits patiently while I warble through whatever simplified tune I've brought. It's gonna help a ton, I can tell.
5. I go to church! Okay, so it's only been twice ... but still! I listen and everything! I even feel better when I leave. It's still early in the relationship but I like it so far.
6. The love life is even proving signs of life after several years of living in the basement. Not sure if my 'picker' is repaired but time will tell.
Full steam ahead ....
Get down with your sassy evolving self!
Can't wait for you to sing me a song!
Yes, I'm planning a full 'concert' for CCW next year. First trick is to get ya'll drunk ...
Maybe the picker was waiting for you to strike gold?
I agree on the Improv front...inviting friends to laugh along with you is always a good thing.
Have fun at the cabin.
It takes balls to admit you are checking out churches in this day, but I tell you, there is something v. relaxing about Services when they connect. There isn't a more peaceful time of the week for me. And I miss it when I don't go, for some strange reason. Yeah, I was raised in religion, so I make up for it by rejecting the church of my youth (ouch, the Pope...) and checking out the rejected religion of my husband. I am just contrary enough to be satisfied by it all...
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