Monday, February 20, 2012

Holy MOSES, I'm off to farm..

On our North Dakota farm land.
Tomorrow, I leave for the MOSES Organic Farming Conference in La Crosse, Wisconsin. (MOSES stands for Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service.) I'll be stopping over in the Twin Cities to visit my cousin, Carol, which will be a hoot. I used to follow her around as a kid so not much has changed there.

The other day at church, I asked a nice lady to help me do a prayer about this trip. I told her what it was for, that I was all too aware of how little I knew about organic farming and nervous/anxious to get educated. Her response:

"You already know everything you need to know about organic farming. It's just a matter of remembering." 

I like that.


Lisa said...

I LOVED your worm post. Hope you have a great time at the conference... can't wait to read about it. Love, Lisa

quirkychick said...

You're so cute Ms. Green Jeans. Have a great time remembering.